RustyPals Server Rules

To keep the server somewhat decent it's a good idea to give you as our guests an idea of what is tolerated and what isn't. Our moderators are allowed to judge every situation to their liking, but here are some examples of behavior and their expected penalties.

1. Hacking / Glitch abuse

Any form of hacking will result in a permanent ban. If you suspect a player of hacking, try to get some evidence to help our admins and moderators investigate your suspicion.


Because this is an alpha game, there can and will be some glitches. Exploiting these glitches can in extreme cases result in a ban.

2. Offensive language & signs

Getting mad and agitated is something that happens a lot in the world of Rust. But when you start hurting people you're crossing the line. So using deceases, racial slurs, sexual orientations or anything like that to express yourself in chat it will result in a ban.

The same goes for using offensive material on signs.

3. Griefing

Griefing is a tricky thing to handle as an admin. Because placing walls or doors can be used as a legit raiding tool, just to block yourself in and safely continue pickaxing a wall for instance. But when you grief a base by placing walls everywhere you can, just so a base becomes completely worthless.. That's just a mean thing to do. When walls seem to be placed just to make a base completely unusable the placed walls can, in some cases, be removed by the admin.

4. Impersonating someone else

Impersonating someone else is not allowed. Impersonating an admin will get your permanently banned from the server. Impersonating another player, just to destroy a players reputation or to trick clan members is considered a light offense, meaning you'll receive a warning (at first offense) or a temporary ban.

5. Moderators

The moderators, with their iconic green names in chat, are on the server to moderate the chat and to help players with anything that requires the expertise, opinion or judgement of one of our staff members.

These moderators can sometimes appear near you or fly around, but this is just to see if everyone is having a good time. There is no reason to be alarmed by them or to fire at them when they are clearly a member of staff. They will not help, start or interfere in any pvp fights.*

Moderators are allowed to spawn in items that will help them do their job. Like testing changes in the game and building communal buildings like meeting places and battle arena's. They won't give any of these items to players.

Our moderators also love the game, and love playing it. So they can play on the server just like any other player. We can not ask of our moderators to buy the game on a separate account, just to be able to play without having moderating powers. Because of this they are not allowed to raid or start pvp fights. Raiding them will not yield any special loot. Raiding moderators will probably be less profitable, since they don't raid or KOS.


*Moderators can, and in most cases will shoot back when shot at when they're just playing the game.